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Will you read me?

People are twice as likely to remember what they read than what they hear. So make sure you get enough attention on your ad’s text.
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AI in marketing

Did you know that text saliency can be predicted?

Imagine your product team has worked for months on an innovation that your consumers have wanted for years. This launch is important, so you have a large budget. All the creative looks nice, so you start your campaign. However, as the weeks go by, you notice no one noticed the new offering of your product. What happened? Turns out no one was looking at your claims.

Text is a crucial component of any creative asset. It contains the key messages that your client has to know. According to psychologist Jerome Bruner, people are twice as likely to remember what they read than what they hear. And the attention towards your text can be affected by multiple decisions that you make every day. How big should the text be? Which color? Where should you place it? You probably want to know how to get it right from the start.

Text saliency in AI

At Memorable, we have built a metric to measure how much attention will be drawn to your text. It is one of Memorable’s most used features: Text Saliency. It tells you how likely you are to notice text in a given ad, and thus how likely you are to read and remember what it says.

The text in your ad competes with the other visual components of the image for our human attention, so you have to be very careful with your decision. Font, size, contrast, and placement can drastically influence the probability of your text attracting attention. In seconds, our algorithms can tell you which combination has the best impact on your ads. And we are also able to tell you if your text is placed in a memorable scene or if you’d be better off placing it in a different scene.

Text saliency is hard for marketers to measure.

How can one confidently say: “This font for sure will make my ad easier to remember on this billboard.” or “This is the optimal balance between image and text size for my mobile ad”. Humans are pretty bad at predicting these essential ad metrics.

Don’t believe it? Let us prove it to you.

We grabbed a minimalist ad by Tabasco and edited only their text’s font and size into different alternatives. We then ran them through Memorable’s platform to analyze their ad recall and text saliency.  The alternatives are laid side by side so you can compare them.

How well do you think you can predict which is the best font and size for this ad?

Answer the following questions below so you can test how good your predictive abilities are:

  • Which ad do you believe to have the best ad recall?
  • Which ad do you believe to have the best text saliency?
  • Which ad do you believe is the original that Tabasco published?
Different Tabasc advertising fonts and iterations
Font and text size alternatives for one Tabasco ad.

The answers might surprise you:

  • The most memorable ad is number 5.
  • The ad with the most text saliency is number 1.
  • The original ad Tabasco published is number 2.

How well did you fare? We guess that you found the results as counterintuitive as we did.

Let’s see how the original ad of Tabasco does on the platform:

How much attention is the text getting? Only 9.39% overall.

Marketers juggle a dozen metrics when choosing the best ad and accurately predicting these metrics is extremely hard as you have just seen.

That’s where Memorable comes in.

At Memorable, we have a 97% of accuracy at predicting saliency in images and videos. Not only can we accurately predict these metrics but we can also compare all the alternatives so you can know for sure which ad works best for you.

Stop wasting time on subjective decisions or time-consuming tests and start using what the ad-tech leaders are implementing to optimize the impact of their ads. With large media investments, you better use impactful creative to reap the benefits of each impression

Contact us for a free demo! We would love to show you if your claims have enough saliency while saving your valuable time.


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