We don’t need more ads.
We need better ads, made faster.
The acceleration of Gen AI for image and video is bringing a flood of new creative alternatives. However, marketers still struggle with investing in the right creatives: the ones that maximize performance and brand building without overspending.
Gen AI will only be adopted if it is paired with another AI that helps test and select high-quality creatives, at scale.
And that AI is here: meet Memorable’s AI Creative Compass
While Memorable’s Creative Copilot is directly accessible by Brands today on a platform, we’re also launching our services through APIs for any other ad tech & generative platform to leverage.
We are opening the first seats for API access to our predictive AI. Through an API, companies will now be able to run pre-flight tests at scale and for all their creative alternatives.
More on Memorable's predictive metrics here.
Since the early scientific breakthroughs that the Memorability of an ad could be predicted better than humans by using machine learning, Memorable has been focused on one task:
Reverse-engineering the cognitive processes that make ad creatives work
That means understanding memory, attention, and engagement like nobody else. And especially, understanding how the different creative elements impact those cognitive and behavioral patterns.
With a scientific DNA, Memorable has been pushing the industry and academic frontiers with models that predict different cognitive and performance metrics. Very recently, one of our models was presented at CVPR, the leading AI research conference in the world. Our memorability work was also featured by WIRED magazine in a recent article.
The leaps in Generative AI impressed us all—even those of us who had been working with GANs and AI alterations for a long time.
However, the ad industry still needs the key quality component to make Creative AI work. Today Memorable is making that component available for the industry to leverage across platforms.
Talk to our team: 5fiswtm0uvh.typeform.com/to/TQnpqPAM
Try it out directly: platform.memorable.io